Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Its all about branding

I'm willing to bet at least 9 out of 10 people just briefly glancing at the picture above could easily tell me what that logo stands for. Its I-Tunes.

Sure the compact disc may become for all intents and purposes obsolete some time in the near future. But do I think Apple needs to change this logo? Absolultely not. It's all about branding and Apple has that down to a science. This logo is simultaneously synonymous with both I-Tunes and Apple and is instantly recognizable. What more could you ask for out of a logo? Nothing.

You put that logo on a website as a button, and intuitively anyone, except for maybe your great grandparents, will know that if they click on it, their I-Tunes application will pop up.

My choice to keep the design of this logo in favor of revamping it isn't a cop-out, but rather a recognition that branding is one of the things that Apple does best and I think this truly is a case of 'if it aint broke dont fix it'.

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