Monday, January 28, 2008

There needs to be a 16GB Ipod Nano

The 8 gig just isn't enough space, and the others are too big for the gym.

On a side note, Steve Jobs is a genius. The ipod is an infinite goldmine of potential. Mr. Jobs knows that even if he has the capability of making say a 40 gig nano, he can release a 16 gig, then a year later a 32, and then finally the 40 gig ipod nano and a good amount of their customers will eat up all 3 instead of holding out for biggest one.

For every new innovation to the ipod there is 10 new accessories they can market and sell with it. It's genius, and because their marketing always stays relevant and trendy people will continue to jump the bandwagon and line apples pockets.

Finally, i would like to say i think that the Ipod Touch is a waste of money...why not just get an Iphone?

Nick Swardson is a comic genius

If you haven't seen the movie Grandma's Boy....go see it. And if you have ever worked in a restaurant you will love this video.