Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Its all about branding

I'm willing to bet at least 9 out of 10 people just briefly glancing at the picture above could easily tell me what that logo stands for. Its I-Tunes.

Sure the compact disc may become for all intents and purposes obsolete some time in the near future. But do I think Apple needs to change this logo? Absolultely not. It's all about branding and Apple has that down to a science. This logo is simultaneously synonymous with both I-Tunes and Apple and is instantly recognizable. What more could you ask for out of a logo? Nothing.

You put that logo on a website as a button, and intuitively anyone, except for maybe your great grandparents, will know that if they click on it, their I-Tunes application will pop up.

My choice to keep the design of this logo in favor of revamping it isn't a cop-out, but rather a recognition that branding is one of the things that Apple does best and I think this truly is a case of 'if it aint broke dont fix it'.

I-Tunes needs to start thinking outside the box

I-Tunes Critique/Survey/Goals:

All in all, from my personal experiences to the survey responses I collected, there seems to be a general consensus that the functionality of I-Tunes is pretty solid. There are definitely a few features that they need to add, lyrics being a big one. I think some improvements could be made in the search and credits could be added to areas of production and behind the scenes work to the music, but those would all be quick easy fixes for I-Tunes.

Really what Apple needs to view I-Tunes as, and i think they are headed in that direction, is a literal "one stop shop for all your online media needs." They need to give consumers no reason to shop anywhere else for their media, and most importantly their musical longings.

The biggest problem i see with the I-Tunes music store is the fact that as my survey pointed out, almost NO ONE goes to I-Tunes to discover new music. Sure people may often times discover music elsewhere and go to I-Tunes to purchase it. However, if you eliminate that middle man you are much more likely to compete with illegal downloading because you are offering convenience to your customers. Link I-Tunes directly in customers minds as your place to constantly stay on the up and up with the latest and greatest in your musical tastes and people will flock there.

In an upcoming post i will detail an idea i have come up with to help take I-Tunes to the next level as a music provider to the masses. The idea centers on this concept of being a place where people can come not to just buy music, but experience and discover it. It isn't the only solution to the problem and in fact i think I-Tunes needs to consider giving their store a community element to it. The most popular illegal downloading sites i have seen over the years all center on having a communal feel. They create this atmosphere where you feel apart of something; you're in and underground society no matter how mainstream it might be and that kind of thing is attractive to people, especially in a younger demographic.

To summarize, I think there are a few things I-Tunes can definitely do to improve its functionality, interface, searching etc...But I personally believe the true answer to making I-Tunes "The future of music" lies in creating an atmosphere thats both constantly music-relevant, and also much more personal and connected to its users.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I-Tunes Survey

Here is the link to my survey:

I collected over 4o responses, which i was surprised at how easy a feat that was. The results were very interesting, especially the fact that the majority of those surveyed do not use I-tunes as a way to "discover" new music or artists. Also the answers to the open ended question i feel gave some really important insight as to what users except or hope for out of I-Tunes.

I have a big idea for an interface/functionality related change/addition for I-Tunes, but it is something i'd rather save until our projects are fleshed out a little further.

Monday, March 3, 2008

bookmarks are

Here is my link to the delicious bookmars: