Monday, May 5, 2008

VC Star needs Myspace W.O.M.

A big advantage of Myspace is the word of mouth and viral nature of how information is distributed between users.

Obviously, VC Star would target 'adding' and advertising to 'friends' mainly around the surrounding areas. The Myspace page is a middle man. If they can drive traffic to their myspace page, if only for one or two eye catching stories or elements, it has the opportunity to divert traffic to the microsite.

Myspace allows users to comment on content, and this could be a great place for user input, blogs, and submissions, without affecting the credibility of the news. I think the biggest strength of presence VC Star can have on Myspace is utilizing bulletins. As long as they establish a strong base of 'friends' in the local area, bulletins can be a huge tool. As i've said before, I find out a lot of news by friends posting bulletins on big things that happen around here, relevant to me. The VC Star myspace should do exactly the same thing.

As long as they keep the bulletins to the most interesting and relevant stories, they can potentially become a big tool for driving traffic to their microsite for users who want to find out more about the stories touched on in the bulletins.

Jakobs got a point

Jakob Neilsen's article on poor web content was an interesting point of view. If asked the question i would probably have initially said that poor navigation was my biggest complaint of websites. However, content is key if your going to generate repeat visits and multiple clicks per visit.

He is absolutely right in the analysis of the business article, so many websites these days are very primitive in the quality of information they offer as well. Links should be informative as to the content they will open. Ultimately his point was that no matter how good the navigation or links etc of a site are, if the content isn't there you arent going to succeed. Sites need to be intuitive, informative, and relevant enough to be worth the short attention span web users have to look at them.

music marketing is getting creative

Just thought i'd post this since it relates to the Coldplay example we looked at in class last week.

The Offspring has done something similar with their new album, releasing a free download of their new single, but only available by giving them your email address and in turn recieving a free one time download of the song.

go here if you want to check it out, i thought it was cleverly done.